Top Applications and Use of Algebra in Normal Life
We have to learn basic mathematics during school life. Algebra is the main component of basic mathematics. If you don’t have an interest in mathematics, to learn algebra is a real challenge to you. While learning algebra, students consider that there is no use of algebra in the real-life. It is a myth because most of the people are using algebraic concepts in real life. For example, marketers are using algebraic formulas to calculate profit and loss. Here, experts of a dissertation help firm will discuss the practical applications and uses of algebra.
- Morning Routine
When a person wakes up, he has to make use of the algebra. For example, if you have to attend a meeting in the office, you will set an alarm to wake up on time. After waking up, you will try to spend calculated time on all the tasks. You try to spend some amount of time in taking a bath. You will spend some amount of time to take breakfast. You will spend some amount of time to get ready for the office. In the end, you will reach the office before time. During this time, you have to make use of algebra knowingly or unknowingly.
- To Make A Perfect Shot At The Trash Can:
Sometimes, you throw the trash into the trash can from a distance. Under such a situation, you also apply the algebraic concept. Its reason is that to throw the trash into the trash can, you will have to consider lots of things. First, you will have to calculate the distance between you and trash can. You will have to consider air resistance. You will have to calculate the weight of the trash. You will have to calculate the required trajectory. You will have to calculate the required force to throw the trash into the trash can. If you have thrown the trash successfully into the trash can, it means that you have do your algebra well. On the other hand, if you have missed the aim, it means that you have not done your algebra well.
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- Business And Finance Management:
As a businessman or a finance manager, if you want to carry out finances accurately, you should have good knowledge of the algebraic operations. Its reason is that we have to use algebra in business operations more crucially than other fields. A businessman makes use of the algebra to calculate the profit or loss. He can also make use of the algebra to calculate the minimum cost of a product to meet the expenses. He can calculate the cost of the present stock of the products. The good knowledge of algebra is also required in the fields of exchange rates and interest rates.
- Sports:
It is a fact that the players of almost all the sports are using algebraic concepts unintentionally. A cricketer makes use of the algebraic concepts to hit a six. Its reason is that to hit a six, there requires specific force. A basketball player also makes use of algebraic concepts to make a point score. Its reason is that to make a point score, he has to throw the ball in the basket by following a specific trajectory. A footballer also makes use of the algebraic concepts to make a score point or to pass the ball. Its reason is that to make a score point or to pass the ball, he has to hit the ball with specific force.
- Home Improvement:
If we want to repair or remould the homes, we have to make use of the numbers. For this reason, it is necessary for us that we should have enough knowledge of algebra. Its reason is that with the help of algebra, we can easily get an idea about the amount of material required to complete a specific project. For example, if you are an electrician, you can calculate the numbers of electrical circuits by using algebra. If you are an installer, you can calculate the number of tiles required for the floor and so on.
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- Health And Fitness:
Good knowledge of algebra is also helpful to you to maintain your health. For example, if you want to enjoy good health, you will have to maintain your weight. If you are over-weighted, you will have to lose weight. The first step to lose your body weight is to calculate the MBI of your body. Based on the BMI of your body, you can monitor calories. To calculate the BMI of your body, you will have to make use of the algebraic equations. If you want to calculate fat percentage of your body, you will have to make use of the algebraic equations.